Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Brett's brace

So we went back to have our second ultrasounds of Brett's hips today and to see the ortohpedic doctor again. He would like Brett to wear the brace, but he only has to wear it at night for right now. Yeah! Then we'll have ultrasounds once a month for the next few months to see if his hips are maturing (How do you know if your hips are immature? Do they make bad choices?) Incidentally, Brett also rolled over for the first time on the doctor's table while we were trying to entertain him for the hour and a half we waited for the doctor. It was totally by accident and I'm not sure he knows how to repeat it, but it was fun!
Here are a couple pics of him in the brace. I can't remember if it was Ashley or Craig who I asked if they thought I could decoupage it. :)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Job decision...

Well, the long-awaited and much-discussed job decision has been made and was officially announced at PV today...I'm going to stay home with Brett full-time! It has been a tough decision. Craig and I have both wanted me to be able to stay home with him, because both our moms were able to stay home and we knew we had benefitted from it, but I so believe it what we're doing at PV that it was really hard to imagine not being a part of the staff anymore.

I am so looking forward to being able to devote myself to Brett full-time, but I never thought that deciding to stay home would be the scarier decision for me. I mean, working full-time is what I know how to do, what I know I'm good at, and where I get a lot of the affirmation in my life. Now it's a whole new ball game. But it is a privilege to be able to take this time to devote totally to Brett, and I hope I never forget that!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hip dysplasia update

We saw the orthopedic doctor Tuesday, and he'd like to repeat Brett's ultrasounds to be sure he really really needs to have to wear a brace. He said he does not have a hip dislocation, which is more severe, but that his hips are just not maturely developed yet. So, next Tuesday we'll get more ultrasounds, then meet with the doc to see what he'd like to do. He said it would probably look like him wearing this all the time for six weeks to three months. Hopefully he has the same sassy attitude about it as the kid in the picture. That's the next step in our adventure!
This was taken when we took Brett to meet his great-grandma Swanson. Brett has 4 great-grandmas and a great-grandpa. Lucky boy!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


...is this kid delightful or what?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Brett's weight update

We went to the doctor yesterday for yet another weight check, and good news! He now weighs 9 lbs 7 oz, which means he's gained 40 ounces per day over the last two weeks, and our doctor likes babies to gain 30 ounces per day. So that means he's gaining what he should as well as catching up some to where he should be. This is probably mostly due to the fact that I've given up breastfeeding, and we are giving him all formula. That was a really hard decision, but it's what's best for him. It's weird, because breastmilk is what's supposed to be best for him, but in this case, what was "best" wasn't actually best because he wasn't getting enough. But he's on track now.

Other less great news is that Brett does indeed have hip dysplasia, which is when the top of the femur bone doesn't attach into the hip joint like it's supposed to. It's because he was breech, and his legs weren't at the correct angle in his hip joints at the time all that was developing. So, we're going to the orthopedic doctor at Children's Mercy next Tuesday for him to tell us what we need to do to correct it. Our pediatrician has said it will likely mean he needs to wear a splint or brace at night for some amount of time. I really hope he doesn't have to wear this (which can be a typical treatment for hip dysplasia). But, as I keep reminding myself, there are parents out there whose children have cancer, so I'm sure as heck not going to complain about this!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Fun at Emily and Josh's wedding

He's a natural!
It takes a village...
Brett decided to make his "evil" face in this one!
Brett! DO NOT spit up on the bride!


I was just reading a post on Ashley's friend Sara's blog, and it really struck a chord with me. Sara and her husband just adopted so are going through the same kind of "new parent" adjustments I am right now, and she blogged about productivity, or the seeming lack of it, with a new baby.

I'd have to say I agree that's one of the hard adjustments I'm going through right now too. It is absolutely incredible to me what I haven't been able to get done in the last six weeks, and it's also incredible to me why I care when I have a wonderful, amazing, beautiful boy to spend every day caring for. I would so love to have the perspective to be able to not care whether the house is clean, laundry's done, dishes washed or whatever. But just today I was feeling totally overwhelmed about it again.

Someone I very much respect has told me that if she had one thing to do over again with her kids, she would rock them more. I try to remember that when I get stressed out, but it's not easy. So, let me help my conscience a bit by saying THANK YOU to those people who have given gifts, brought meals or done other nice things for which you have not yet received a thank-you note (it's on the to-do list), thanks for humoring me for my poor judgement in insisting on a complicated birth announcement, those of you who have not yet received one (they're going out in waves), and if you come to our house, please overlook the clutter and dog hair.