Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My blog, may it rest in peace.

As you may have noticed, I have had considerable trouble keeping up my blog for, oh, about the past 14 months (coincidence?). So, I've made the difficult decision to consolidate all my online social networking to Facebook. It's much easier and quicker to upload pictures and I think I can do just about everything on there that I can on this blog.

I know a few people who read my blog aren't on Facebook yet, but perhaps this will be incentive (ahem, Ashley!). I'll keep my blog here in case I'm inspired to come back to it, but I'm pledging to be much better about posting updates and pictures on Facebook.


1 comment:

Ashley said...

when i started to read your post i thought...maybe this a ploy to get me to sign up for facebook...and then there's my name. :) promise i'll get signed up...