Friday, December 08, 2006

A haiku about Fridays

A long time ago in a comment, my sister said she thought I should write a daily haiku or something of that nature. Well, obviously I didn't take that challenge, but the prospect of a weekend ahead has me feeling a bit poetic, so here's a haiku about Fridays:

friday afternoon
freedom stretches out ahead
sweet release awaits

Can I get an amen?


Anonymous said...

Loved your haiku, girl! And, of course, I will give you an amen (just a little late):) Keep writing:)

Mirnda said...

Amen! That was lovely. See? Don't you feel so poetic and artistic and ready to take on the weekend? Thus I give you a new challenge. Instead of writing a haiku a day, write one every Friday! :) Je t'aime.

liz said...

Snaps to you!