I have a problem I don't know how to solve. Here's an example. See all those books listed at the left under "recent reads"? Those are all books I was in the midst of reading when I started posting on this blog. With the exception of Simple Church, I haven't finished a one of them. And I have approximately 4-5 books that I've received/bought since then that I haven't even started.
Here's what usually happens: I LOVE a new book. So I get one and dive in. Then I stop having/making time to read and it sits for a while. Then a new book comes along and I get excited about that one and start reading it, but with limited time I don't go back to the other book. I'm a book-hopper. It really frustrates me. I'm also a craft-hopper (knitting, paper crafts, drawing, etc.), but let's take one issue at a time.