Friday, December 29, 2006

Baby pics

Craig and I had a sonogram Wednesday and wanted to post the's pretty amazing what you can see these days during a sonogram! The top picture is the baby's whole body in profile (the head is on the left). The bottom picture is the baby looking at us (the head is on the left side and you can see the eyes, nose and mouth).

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Brain break

I received this link from my friend and co-worker Andrea as a terrific "brain break."

You just enter your name, and the website inserts it into a marketing slogan for you. My most recent was "If you've got the time, I've got the Nicole." It creates some pretty hilarious slogans.

If you go create a fun slogan, post it in comments for us to enjoy!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Serial reader

I have a problem I don't know how to solve. Here's an example. See all those books listed at the left under "recent reads"? Those are all books I was in the midst of reading when I started posting on this blog. With the exception of Simple Church, I haven't finished a one of them. And I have approximately 4-5 books that I've received/bought since then that I haven't even started.

Here's what usually happens: I LOVE a new book. So I get one and dive in. Then I stop having/making time to read and it sits for a while. Then a new book comes along and I get excited about that one and start reading it, but with limited time I don't go back to the other book. I'm a book-hopper. It really frustrates me. I'm also a craft-hopper (knitting, paper crafts, drawing, etc.), but let's take one issue at a time.

Friday, December 08, 2006

A haiku about Fridays

A long time ago in a comment, my sister said she thought I should write a daily haiku or something of that nature. Well, obviously I didn't take that challenge, but the prospect of a weekend ahead has me feeling a bit poetic, so here's a haiku about Fridays:

friday afternoon
freedom stretches out ahead
sweet release awaits

Can I get an amen?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

An interesting way to give

I get an email newsletter each day called "5 minutes of caring" from an organization called Cool People Care. It just has little tidbits of things you can do to care for others in about 5 minutes. Today there were several websites listed where you can easily find ways to give this holiday season, and one I really liked was called DonorsChoose. It is a place where teachers can go and post needs they have from their classrooms, from pencil sharpeners to books to curriculum supplies, and then people go on the website and can choose to fund all or part of the teacher's needs. It was something I thought all my "teacher friends" would like to see!

Monday, December 04, 2006

An argument for doggy clothing

Craig and I have an ongoing discussion about whether dogs should be allowed to wear clothes/costumes. I say if the doggy is cold and there's a cute sweater he could wear to keep him warm, why not? Craig says under no circumstances should this happen. I believe these pictures are an argument for dog clothing and accessories. This is Mosley James, Joy's son and Mandy's nephew. Would you agree?