Craig and I have an ongoing discussion about whether dogs should be allowed to wear clothes/costumes. I say if the doggy is cold and there's a cute sweater he could wear to keep him warm, why not? Craig says under no circumstances should this happen. I believe these pictures are an argument for dog clothing and accessories. This is Mosley James, Joy's son and Mandy's nephew. Would you agree?

Well, as cute as Mosley looks in these pics, I think I might have to side more with Craig. If others want to do it, have at it; but it is doubtful that I will ever put clothes on a dog I own...that's what their "furcoat" is for:) With all that said, I still get a kick out of those dogs that have a better wardrobe than I do! Don't hate me people...just sharing my opinion:) sue ellen
hmm...this is a hard one! on small dogs--i would say, yes--with taste, though. on larger dogs i tend to not think so...
today i was in wal-mart and saw a princess pet line (couldn't find it on-line). that may have been a little over-the-top for me, but i did find these things.
this could help with that wet dog smell...
and how could a (good) owner say no to this?--it's a safety issue!!!
dogs should so get to wear clothes - mine does
piper gets excited to wear his clothes - he only has 2 sweaters - but can't wait to wear them
He also behaves better in a sweater
Now he doe not like to wear boots!!!
Thanks Aunt Nicole for putting my pictures on your blog! Thanks also to Aunt Ashley for the sites that my mom and aunt can go to in order to get a rain jacket (I have one, but it doesn't cover my head, which I sometimes don't like) and when we get a pool in the backyard someday I will need the life jacket until my swimming skills get better. I would really like to meet Piper, he is such a cool guy in the pictures his mom had on shutterfly. (I don't like things on my feet either) I am going to the groomer tomorrow, so I will get a new haircut AND something cool to add to my collection of jackets, outfits, costumes, and do rags. It is really hard to type with my paws, so this will be the end of my comment, but if anyone wants to see me in my cool new Xango shirt, e-mail my aunt at mandy.sharp@yahoo.com and she will send you the picture!
Love, Mosley
Jennifer, Piper is too cute for words! I love his sweater and boots!!
Generally, I'm heartily against clothing dogs. Fight the power Mosley they're brain washing you. If however the clothing enhances the powerful look of the dog then it is permissible as in the following fine example. http://www.alumni.uga.edu/alumni/images/fun/wallpaper/800x600/Uga.jpg
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