Wednesday, December 06, 2006

An interesting way to give

I get an email newsletter each day called "5 minutes of caring" from an organization called Cool People Care. It just has little tidbits of things you can do to care for others in about 5 minutes. Today there were several websites listed where you can easily find ways to give this holiday season, and one I really liked was called DonorsChoose. It is a place where teachers can go and post needs they have from their classrooms, from pencil sharpeners to books to curriculum supplies, and then people go on the website and can choose to fund all or part of the teacher's needs. It was something I thought all my "teacher friends" would like to see!


Anonymous said...

What a great site! Thanks, it is in my favorites now and I will visit often. Not sure if anyone saw the John Stosel (sp?) special on giving in America, but from that show got a site you may want to check out:
I haven't yet subscribed, but will do so soon.

Anonymous said...

I signed up to get the daily email. You're the bestest!!! Love you, E!