Monday, July 30, 2007

Job decision...

Well, the long-awaited and much-discussed job decision has been made and was officially announced at PV today...I'm going to stay home with Brett full-time! It has been a tough decision. Craig and I have both wanted me to be able to stay home with him, because both our moms were able to stay home and we knew we had benefitted from it, but I so believe it what we're doing at PV that it was really hard to imagine not being a part of the staff anymore.

I am so looking forward to being able to devote myself to Brett full-time, but I never thought that deciding to stay home would be the scarier decision for me. I mean, working full-time is what I know how to do, what I know I'm good at, and where I get a lot of the affirmation in my life. Now it's a whole new ball game. But it is a privilege to be able to take this time to devote totally to Brett, and I hope I never forget that!

1 comment:

Sue Ellen said...

Good for you! I'm so happy that the decision is made and that you have the blessing of staying home with Mr. Brett:) He's one lucky guy!