Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Brett's brace

So we went back to have our second ultrasounds of Brett's hips today and to see the ortohpedic doctor again. He would like Brett to wear the brace, but he only has to wear it at night for right now. Yeah! Then we'll have ultrasounds once a month for the next few months to see if his hips are maturing (How do you know if your hips are immature? Do they make bad choices?) Incidentally, Brett also rolled over for the first time on the doctor's table while we were trying to entertain him for the hour and a half we waited for the doctor. It was totally by accident and I'm not sure he knows how to repeat it, but it was fun!
Here are a couple pics of him in the brace. I can't remember if it was Ashley or Craig who I asked if they thought I could decoupage it. :)


Sue Ellen said...

I know that this has been an unexpected occurrence, but it's a great thing that Brett only has to wear this stylish brace at night. You both have handled this magnificently & this will only help Brett develop. Love you:)

Anonymous said...

I often think to myself...what happened before ultrasounds? When children were born before this luxury, how did they know if issues such as these existed? I'm so glad Brett is getting such good care! I pray that it does the trick and prevents any further problems. Love you, friend!