Tuesday, May 08, 2007


This waiting to have a baby is weird. I know I'm still 3 weeks (2 weeks and 6 days) out, but technically it could be any time. I've never had a major medical anything, so the idea that labor will happen at any moment makes me feel a lot like a ticking time bomb.

It's funny how it changes the way I look at things. I feel more compelled to pick up around the house with the thought that it might be the last time I leave the house for a couple of days and other people might be there while I'm gone. It makes me want to get loose ends tied up and over-communicate about everything at work, in case it's the last day I'm there maybe for a few months or maybe forever.

It makes me think...isn't this the way we are supposed to live as followers of Christ? Not the obsessive house-cleaning part, but the part about living as though we aren't guaranteed tomorrow to finish things up? Keeping loose ends tied up in life and in relationships, not waiting to have conversations we know we need to have, etc.? Hmmmm...interesting.


Anonymous said...

As my time approached, I was obsessed with having freshly washed hair and shaved legs (and you know how challenging it is to shave at that point). I just wanted to be sure I felt clean and fresh in preparation for the glorious labor. I'm almost sure that's not what Jesus had in mind, but you never know. :)

The Perdaris Family: said...

Wow - being pregnant makes you think deep thoughts huh? too bad I can't remember any of my deep thoughts after I've had them.

Charlene Armitage said...

That's why I had to write this one down :)