Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Crate and Barrel coming soon...very soon...

one of my undercover spy in the southland has informed me that the Crate and Barrel near Town Center Plaza now has the name and logo of the store in place. It shouldn't be long now... (thanks Colie!)

Incidentally, can I just say that I can't spell "barrel" right the first time, ever? (Should have two l's.) Or exercise. (Should have a c after the x.) Or broccoli. (Should have two c's and two l's).


Carrie said...

I always had a problem with Cincinnati. Shouldn't it have two "t"s? At least you get calendar and presence correct, which never fail to go awry for me!

Anonymous said...

very exciting news about Crate and Barrel! now, when is that H&M going to arrive?

Anonymous said...

Hey there! I like the blog! Bloggins is one of those techo-mysteries to me like iPods and text messaging. Things I know I should be a part of, but have yet to learn about! As for Crate and Barrel, I am VERY excited! It is supposed to open in November the last I heard and I will be on my way to register! Also, each week I have trouble spelling terrific on my message board! :)

Anonymous said...

You know what word I have problems with? Preliminary. I always spell it prelimanary at first. And then I send out e-mails to hundreds of investors with their "Prelimanary statement" and I'm an idiot.

Congratulations on the Crate and when is that sibling blog going to arrive?

jenn_anthony said...

i struggle with spaghetti. why does it have an "h"? oh, and don't get me started on acknowledge. there's a reason it starts with ACK!