Sorry it's been a slow blogging week. I can think of lots of interesting things during the day but then when I sit down and think "OK, now write something interesting," it's all gone!
OK, here's something...we had a lunch workshop yesterday with a speaker who came to talk to us about building volunteer teams. Here's the main takeaway, and if you're like me and pretty "achievement oriented," it's a bit of a mind-blower: The goal is not achieving the task, it's building the team. So in other words, you may end up with the perfect product, but if you haven't developed the team and the people along the way, you have not succeeded. Or, you may have a less than perfect product, but if you developed the team and people are closer to God because of the way you've led them through the project, you have succeeded.
Much processing to do on that one, and probably much changing of the way I do ministry. But the key point of why we are supposed to do it this way is, as the speaker said, "Everything else will fade away except God's Word and people." Bulletins will not last, banners will not last, brochures will not last, the website will not last, but people will last. Hmmm...