Friday, December 29, 2006

Baby pics

Craig and I had a sonogram Wednesday and wanted to post the's pretty amazing what you can see these days during a sonogram! The top picture is the baby's whole body in profile (the head is on the left). The bottom picture is the baby looking at us (the head is on the left side and you can see the eyes, nose and mouth).

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Brain break

I received this link from my friend and co-worker Andrea as a terrific "brain break."

You just enter your name, and the website inserts it into a marketing slogan for you. My most recent was "If you've got the time, I've got the Nicole." It creates some pretty hilarious slogans.

If you go create a fun slogan, post it in comments for us to enjoy!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Serial reader

I have a problem I don't know how to solve. Here's an example. See all those books listed at the left under "recent reads"? Those are all books I was in the midst of reading when I started posting on this blog. With the exception of Simple Church, I haven't finished a one of them. And I have approximately 4-5 books that I've received/bought since then that I haven't even started.

Here's what usually happens: I LOVE a new book. So I get one and dive in. Then I stop having/making time to read and it sits for a while. Then a new book comes along and I get excited about that one and start reading it, but with limited time I don't go back to the other book. I'm a book-hopper. It really frustrates me. I'm also a craft-hopper (knitting, paper crafts, drawing, etc.), but let's take one issue at a time.

Friday, December 08, 2006

A haiku about Fridays

A long time ago in a comment, my sister said she thought I should write a daily haiku or something of that nature. Well, obviously I didn't take that challenge, but the prospect of a weekend ahead has me feeling a bit poetic, so here's a haiku about Fridays:

friday afternoon
freedom stretches out ahead
sweet release awaits

Can I get an amen?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

An interesting way to give

I get an email newsletter each day called "5 minutes of caring" from an organization called Cool People Care. It just has little tidbits of things you can do to care for others in about 5 minutes. Today there were several websites listed where you can easily find ways to give this holiday season, and one I really liked was called DonorsChoose. It is a place where teachers can go and post needs they have from their classrooms, from pencil sharpeners to books to curriculum supplies, and then people go on the website and can choose to fund all or part of the teacher's needs. It was something I thought all my "teacher friends" would like to see!

Monday, December 04, 2006

An argument for doggy clothing

Craig and I have an ongoing discussion about whether dogs should be allowed to wear clothes/costumes. I say if the doggy is cold and there's a cute sweater he could wear to keep him warm, why not? Craig says under no circumstances should this happen. I believe these pictures are an argument for dog clothing and accessories. This is Mosley James, Joy's son and Mandy's nephew. Would you agree?

Thursday, November 23, 2006

What I'm thankful for

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here are just a few things I'm thankful for...

an incredible group of friends
terrific family
a healthy baby (so far)
that God knows my heart and loves my anyway
a house we love
gainful employment
good books and music to expand the boundaries of my experience

There are so many things to be thankful for that making a list seems a bit futile...but those are a few things. I am thankful for each of you who reads this because you have added so much to my life!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Top kid names at PV

Today at work, our database manager, Ron, ran me off a list of the most common names of kids at Pleasant Valley as my own personalized baby names list. It was so thoughtful--I loved it! Here are the top 10:

  • Jacob
  • Austin
  • Zachary
  • Hannah
  • Madison
  • Tyler
  • Lauren
  • Matthew
  • Caleb
  • Grace

Chronic(what?)cles of Narnia

You guys may have seen this video from Saturday Night Live before...I don't know why, but every time I watch it I think it's just about the funniest thing I've ever heard. I think this link is the easiest way to get there.

FYI, there is one bleeped out bad word, and if you let the video player keep going so it plays the Natalie Portman rap afterwards, there's lots more. We do not want to offend on the Nicole Swanson blog.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Our new bathroom

I had promised a blog post with pictures of our remodeled bathroom, so here it goes! Craig worked really really hard and with minimal help from me--but with lots of help from Billy Ford on the tiling! Thanks to Paul too for his help and lending his nice paintbrushes!

This first picture is the BEFORE before picture--when we first moved in, just to give you some context of where we came from. Note the shiny pink wallpaper.

This picture is "during," we'd already changed the walls to blue but were now replacing the flooring and the sink and repainting the walls.
Ahhh...after. Much better. :)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Emily Ann Jewelry online debut!

Three posts in one really is either feast or famine on my blog! But I am so excited about this so I had to share immediately!

Many of you know my friend Carrie Plummer, and some of you also know that she is a jewelry designer of great talent and creativity. Some of her creations from her jewelry line, Emily Ann, are now available for purchase online at The Soap Box Company ( Go to "products," then "gifts" to see the jewelry with prices.) Go check them out! All are one-of-a-kind and handmade. If you see one you like that is no longer available, she can make similar items, or even custom items. I own several pieces and never fail to get compliments on them!

Look around the Soap Box website while you're has really fun natural bath and body care products (I've blogged about it before.) .

Something to think about this Thanksgiving

If 20 people sit down at your Thanksgiving table, representing the world’s population:

3 would be served a gourmet, multi-course meal, while sitting at decorated table and a cushioned chair.

5 would eat rice and beans with a fork and sit on a simple cushion

12 would wait in line to receive a small portion of rice that they would eat with their hands while sitting on the floor.

This info came from the One organization.

Scoops/SRO... Rest In Peace

Sad news for Liberty-ites...Scoops, formerly known as SRO, is closed down for good. We tried to go there about a week ago and it was closed...not the kind where it reopens tomorrow, but the kind where the chairs are all stacked up and everything's piled in front of the door. Then Craig drove by yesterday and there was a sign on the door that said "Tony's Cajun Cafe coming soon." So let's take a moment, all you who have fond memories of good times and good frozen custard, and post a comment about your favorite Scoops/SRO memory.

I've had many a tasty treat at Scoops, but I'm sure my favorite memory is the night Craig and I got engaged...we went to (then) SRO and got custard, then went up to William Jewell and sat on the tree swing together, and that's where Craig popped the question.

What's your favorite memory (or your favorite frozen custard concoction?)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I think it's safe now...

In an attempt to return to a regular blogging schedule, which I have clearly not been on even after Mandy's best efforts to get me back on track, I'm going to blog about what actually has been on my mind the last several months! I think it's safe because I've gotten to tell most of the folks who look at my blog (all 8 of you) that Craig and I are having a baby in May! It's been hard to think of other things to blog when, let's face it, that takes up 97% of my thoughts.

So I can say that we went to the doctor yesterday and heard the baby's heart beat again, which is good stuff! All seems to be well at this point. We were supposed to meet our actual doctor for the first time, but we saw a different doctor. They didn't explain and we didn't ask because we were in and out so fast!

Anyway, I promise this won't totally turn in to "baby blog," but I'll definintely keep you updated!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The first trip to Crate and Barrel

I have been called out by Mandy Sharp on my lack of blogging activity, so thank you for keeping me accountable, Mandy!!

Last night I went to the new Crate and Barrel. My friend Hannah and I went to a benefit they had for Children's Mercy where they opened the store a day early and we bought a ticket and went to shop and eat fancy hors d'oeuvres and rub shoulders with rich people. Or at least they looked like rich people. I actually just bought coffee for Craig (a special blend by Intelligentsia, our tourist destination coffee shop in Chicago) and some tablecloths and napkins for my mom. But I'm sure there will many future purchases, and it was just good to be in C&B in my own city!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Kid encouragement

I was not feeling so thrilled about going to work today. I was still tired from driving home from Chicago yesterday, I am behind on some things at home and just wasn't feeling it. Then there was a wreck right in front of the road I need to turn onto to go to work, so I had to go way out and around and come in another way. Then a couple work-related things happened. So needless to say I was in a bad mood. But then I went to my mailbox, and there were 5 notes that kids in our Awana program had created to appreciate the staff. They were so cute and heartfelt that I couldn't help but feel a bit better. Below is one of my favorites.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Acoustic Ninja coming to town!

I am so pumped about this!! Trace Bundy, aka the "Acoustic Ninja," is playing at the Uptown Theater Nov. 3 at 7:30. I've seen Trace play several times and it just about defies description. He plays a style of acoustic guitar unlike anything you've ever seen, and the best suggestion I have is to go to his website,, and watch the videos.

He's coming to the Uptown with a band called Urban John, and they are described as an ambient, groove-driven trio, which sounds interesting to me!

Tickets are only $10 and you can get them here.

Real beauty...or not.

Sometimes there are email forwards worth looking at...I thought this was one of them. Thanks, Emily, for sending it on.

Wonder why our image of beauty is so distorted? Here's a clue...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Spencer's First Homecoming

For those of you who remember Spencer as a small child or perhaps a small child in a turtle costume...he went to his first homecoming this weekend. Here's a picture of him before the dance. Hipness is obviously the major criteria for his outfit. He went with a group of friends.

Feel old yet?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Slow blogging week

Sorry it's been a slow blogging week. I can think of lots of interesting things during the day but then when I sit down and think "OK, now write something interesting," it's all gone!

OK, here's something...we had a lunch workshop yesterday with a speaker who came to talk to us about building volunteer teams. Here's the main takeaway, and if you're like me and pretty "achievement oriented," it's a bit of a mind-blower: The goal is not achieving the task, it's building the team. So in other words, you may end up with the perfect product, but if you haven't developed the team and the people along the way, you have not succeeded. Or, you may have a less than perfect product, but if you developed the team and people are closer to God because of the way you've led them through the project, you have succeeded.

Much processing to do on that one, and probably much changing of the way I do ministry. But the key point of why we are supposed to do it this way is, as the speaker said, "Everything else will fade away except God's Word and people." Bulletins will not last, banners will not last, brochures will not last, the website will not last, but people will last. Hmmm...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day

One of the speakers we heard from at the MinistryCOM conference I went to last month was Mark Batterson, pastor of National Community Church in Washington, DC. He's got a book coming out tomorrow, Oct. 2, and it sounds like an interesting read. Here's a synopsis...

Your greatest regret at the end of your life will be the lions you didn't chase. You will regret the risks not taken, the opportunities not seized, and the dreams not pursued. Stopping running away from what scares you most and start chasing the God-ordained opportunities that cross your path.

In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day is inspired by one of the most obscure yet courageous acts recorded in Scripture: Benaiah chased a lion down into a pit. Then, despite the snow and slippery ground, he caught the lion and killed it (II Samuel 23:20-21).

You can check it out here.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Nothing but bad news.

Can I just tell you that I really dislike watching the local news? There is nothing that will make me feel depressed about the world faster than watching it. Really, Craig and I will watch for about 7 minutes and then have to change the channel. Tonight: woman found in trunk of car at Liberty Hospital. Woman tries to smother her foster child at Children's Mercy. Someone robs a Quizno's. Do I really need to know these things (except maybe the Liberty thing--that was like 4 minutes from our house)? Can't I just live in happy oblivion imagining that we aren't all out killing or trying to kill each other? Oh, it's OK, an "Everybody Loves Raymond" rerun is on now. Thank goodness. :)

Monday, September 25, 2006

Random thoughts

creating things
when a design works
new paths in life


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Crate and Barrel coming soon...very soon...

one of my undercover spy in the southland has informed me that the Crate and Barrel near Town Center Plaza now has the name and logo of the store in place. It shouldn't be long now... (thanks Colie!)

Incidentally, can I just say that I can't spell "barrel" right the first time, ever? (Should have two l's.) Or exercise. (Should have a c after the x.) Or broccoli. (Should have two c's and two l's).

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

New Toy!

Today at work I got a real grown-up graphic designer tool...a digital drawing tablet. It's pretty sweet. It sits on my desktop in front of my monitor and I can draw on it with a pen stylus instead of having to use a mouse. Like much new technology you are first learning to use, I'm still at the "is this really going to make me more efficient, because everything takes longer" phase, but I'm getting it!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Soap Box Company

I was just looking at the website It's a company run by my friend Jeff's sister, and they sell all natural bath and beauty products. Unique, feminine indulgences and always free goodies and specials.

Childlike wonder at the air show

Today, Craig and I and a bunch of friends went to another friend's apartment in the River Market to watch the air show at the downtown airport. He had a great view from his apartment, but we also got to go up on the roof where we could see everything perfectly. The highlight was the Blue Angels exhibition. It is amazing how their feats of flying prowess turn all of us instantly in awestruck kids, oohing, ahhhing, yelling, clapping and covering our ears. It was just fun. Really fun.

On a side note, being down in the River Market never fails to make us miss living down there. We love having a house, but I will always love the downtown vibe. What a great neighborhood the River Market is.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Official geek-ness

I decided today that I am officially a geek. Because at the end of the day I was really excited about what I was working on, and what I was working on was...examining census data. I came back from the ministryCOM conference in Phoenix with a real sense that to be able to be sure we are putting the most effective communications out there, we need to know that our perceptions of who makes up our community are right. I got on the census website and downloaded some numbers, and just had a really fascinating time looking at them. Interesting.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

New Barenaked Ladies CD

Exciting event in Nicole-world: Barenaked Ladies new CD came out Tuesday. Check it out here. No seriously, just do it.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Bitfall Project

File this under "what will they think of next?" The Bitfall Project uses strategically timed droplets of water to spell words and display images for just a few seconds. Check it out:

Bitfall Project 1

Bitfall Project 2

Monday, September 11, 2006

A pile of useless expensive things

Next to our microwave, there is a pile of useless expensive things. It's a small pile, just two things: my broken iPod, and a pair of pricy sunglasses with a shattered lens. (Actually, Craig got the sunglasses for free from work, so they are only theoretically expensive, but anyway...) Every time I look at them, sitting there so pitiful, not realizing their potential, it makes me think about the true nature of "stuff." I know that money can't buy you love, or happiness, but I do remember the sense of coolness I felt when I first bought that iPod, and the first time I wore those sunglasses, but what are they doing for me now? Nothing except making me mad at Apple. (The sunglasses manufacturer can't be held responsible...the sunglasses shouldn't have been in the car cupholder anyway.) God's teaching me something here, I have a sneaking suspicion.

OK, so I'm finally doing it...

I've thought about starting a blog for a long time, and haven't because of the following questions:
  • Will I update it? Answer: I think so.
  • Will anyone look at it? Answer: Ummm...
  • Is my life eventful enough to have anything to write about? Answer: Perhaps, but if not, I'll just tell my sister's stories, because they are generally way more interesting!
  • And the big I brave enough to put my thoughts out there for the world to see and comment on? Answer: I am at this moment.